10th International Conference on Islamic Thought

“Contemporary Bioethics:
Challenges and Opportunities”

Conference Dates: 22-23 October 2024


Department of Islamic Thought, History & Culture Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, AIOU Islamabad


National Bioethics Committee, National Institute of Health,


W.M. Zaki Hall,
Academic Complex,
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad

1. Background

The rapid advancements in biomedical sciences have brought forth numerous ethical and moral challenges that require critical examination and thoughtful discourse. The intersection of bioethics and contemporary challenges is a pivotal area of study that addresses the ethical implications of new technologies, medical practices, and scientific research. In this context, the Department of Islamic Thought, F/o Arabic and Islamic Studies, Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), Islamabad, in collaboration with the National Bioethics Committee (NBC), National Institute of Health (NIH), Islamabad is organizing “1st International Conference on Contemporary Bioethics’ Challenges.”

This conference aims to provide a multidisciplinary platform for scholars, researchers, policymakers, professionals, and practitioners to engage in comprehensive discussions on the ethical, legal, and social implications of contemporary biomedical advancements. Special attention will be given to exploring these issues from an Islamic perspective, fostering a deeper understanding of how Islamic bioethical principles can inform and guide contemporary practices.

2. Objectives

  • To explore the ethical, legal, religious, and social implications of contemporary biomedical advancements.
  • To examine these issues from an Islamic perspective, highlighting the contributions of Islamic bioethical principles and Shariah rulings.
  • To facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue among scholars, researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and Professionals.
  • To identify and propose solutions to contemporary bioethical challenges.
  • To promote awareness and understanding of bioethical issues within the broader community.
  • To develop a comprehensive policy for Contemporary bioethics challenges.
  • To provide a platform for networking among academics, practitioners, policymakers, and professionals to promote collaborative research and initiatives.

3. Themes and Sub-Themes

Main Theme:

  • Contemporary Bioethics: Challenges and Opportunities


  1. Legal, Societal, and Ethical Approaches to Genetic Engineering and CRISPR
  2. Human subject Research
  3. End-of-Life Decisions and Palliative Care
  4. Public Health Ethics
  5. Ethics of Advance Technologies and Stem Cells
  6. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Healthcare
  7. Medical Professionalism and Health Care Ethics
  8. Neuroethics and Mental Health
  9. Organ Donation and Transplantation
  10. Bioethical Issues in Pakistan: A Context-Specific Analysis

4. Expected Outcomes

  • Enhanced understanding of bioethical issues from both contemporary and Islamic perspectives.
  • Identification of ethical frameworks and guidelines that can be applied to contemporary biomedical challenges.
  • Strengthened collaboration and networking among international scholars and practitioners that can lead to future collaborative projects and initiatives.
  • Recommendations for comprehensive policy development in contemporary bioethics challenges.
  • Increased public awareness and engagement on bioethical issues.

5. Call for Papers and Participation

We invite scholars, researchers, professionals, and practitioners to submit papers, participate in panel discussions, and present posters on the themes and sub-themes. Interested participants should submit an abstract of their paper by 20th August, 2024. Selected papers will be presented during the conference and considered for publication in a special issue of the AIOU Journal of Islamic Thought (Dirayat), and NIH Journal (Pakistan Journal of Medical Research).

6. Conference Format:

  • Keynote lectures by renowned scholars in bioethics and related fields
  • Panel discussions featuring experts from diverse backgrounds
  • Paper presentations by academics and researchers
  • Poster presentations by graduate students

Main Theme:

Contemporary Bioethics: Challenges and Opportunities


  1. Legal, Societal, and Ethical Approaches to Genetic Engineering and CRISPR
    • CRISPR and other gene editing technologies
    • Ethical considerations in genetic modification
    • Biotechnology and ethics for human enhancement
    • Islamic perspectives on genetic intervention
  2. Human Subject Research
    • Ethical conduct in clinical trials
    • Informed consent in medical research
    • Protection of vulnerable populations
  3. End-of-Life Decisions and Palliative Care
    • Ethical dilemmas in life-support withdrawal
    • Palliative care principles
    • Islamic views on end-of-life care
  4. Public Health Ethics
    • Vaccination and public health mandates
    • Ethical responses to pandemics
    • Health equity and access to care
    • Islamic Injunctions for Public Health
  5. Ethics of Advanced Technologies and Stem Cells
    • Assisted reproductive technologies (ART)
    • Surrogacy and its ethical implications
  6. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Healthcare
    • Ethical use of AI in diagnostics and treatment
    • Robotic surgery and patient care
    • Islamic views on AI in healthcare
  7. Medical Professionalism and Health Care Ethics
    • Ethical education and training for healthcare professionals
    • Physician-patient relationship dynamics
    • Addressing medical malpractice
  8. Neuroethics and Mental Health
    • Ethical issues in neuroscience and brain research
    • Cognitive enhancement technologies
    • Islamic perspectives on mental health and neuroscience
  9. Organ Donation and Transplantation
    • Ethical considerations in organ donation and transplantation
    • Islamic perspectives on organ donation and transplantation
  10. Bioethical Issues in Pakistan: A Context-Specific Analysis
    • Ethical dilemmas in Pakistan’s healthcare system
    • Socio-cultural influences on contemporary bioethics
    • Policy and regulatory challenges in contemporary bioethics
    • Case studies of contemporary bioethical issues in Pakistan

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: 20th August, 2024
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 31st August, 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 30th September 2024
Deadline for Registration: 30th September 2024
Conference Dates: 22-23 October 2024

Chief Organizer

Prof. Dr. Mohyuddin Hashimi
Contact No. +92-51-9573100, +92-51-9573101
Email: mohyuddin.hashmi@aiou.edu.pk

Focal Person

Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rehman
Department of Islamic Thought
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
Email: ahmed.rehman@aiou.edu.pk
Contact: +92 323 881 8141

Core Committee of the Conference

  1. Prof. Dr. Mohyuddin Hashmi (Chairman, Department of Islamic Thought, AIOU)
  2. Prof. Dr. Hajra Ahmad (Dean, Faculty of Sciences, AIOU)
  3. Dr. Nighat Murad (Executive Director / Focal Person, National Bioethics Committee – Research (NBC-R)
  4. Dr. Faiza Bashir (SMO/ National Coordinator, National Bioethics Committee – Research (NBC-R)
  5. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rehman (Lecturer, Department of Islamic Thought)